Sunday, March 2, 2008

Perez Hilton says he's too fat and ugly for sex

The subject of our boycott, racist self-hater Mario "Perez Hilton" Lavandeira is now involved in a sex scandal, and in the process admits to being too fat and ugly for sex! We agree.

We'll let others tell you about how Lavandeira promised to help some loser named Jonathan Jaxon in exchange for a sex video. We only note that in his online chats with his victim, Perez Hilton claimed to have an 8.5 inch penis, said he loves "twinky all-american boys," but considered himself too "much of a fat fncking cow" to have sex. Caution: reading Perez' chats will probably cause nausea and vomiting and loss of in faith in humanity.


Olivier said...

OMG what a pathetic loser
What the fuck can we people do to send him back to anonymity ???

Al Bundy said...

Im surprized Billy Ray Cyrus dont catch him and ring his neck for all the lude comments Perez makes about his 14 year old daughter. Them ole southern hillbilly boys dont like to let that crap go by..

I dont know too much about Billy ray or his daughter but in this case I would be cheering him on.

Al Bundy said...
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Al Bundy said...
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Al Bundy said...

Did you ever notice when Harvey levin is MIA on TMZ There are no new blogs on

Here is the url to one of my anti perez video playlists

Anonymous said...

Perez is PURE SCUM.

Anonymous said...

This is Adrianne Curry's blog on Perez Hilton:

April 14, 2008 - Monday

Hi, My Name is Perez Hilton!

Hello everyone, my name is Perez. I love to insult people I don't even know. I tell masses of people that women are whores and sluts and I have absolutely no proof to back my claims. In fact, most the things I say about people are untrue and fueled by my own self loathing and insecurities.I was made fun of a lot as a boy and have been so damaged I have to degrade others to feel better about myself. I like to have my producers of my show call Adrianne Curry and ask her to come on. I also like to have them tell her and her people that I am ready to bury the hatchet on tape. Adrianne declines due to not wanting to do it on camera at the I then write more stupid shit about her on my blogs! That shows that I was really sincere, right? Or, was it because I wanted ratings from the girl I like to say no one cares about? I can say Adrianne is lying, but luckily she has a few e-mails saved from the initial contact from my show. I like to make fun of other people for how they look, act, or how big I think their star is. It's mainly to cover up for what a fucking joke I can be, seeing how I probably don't garner much respect from people for what I do. Maybe what I said would be funny if I wasn't so fucking mean!