Thursday, March 13, 2008

Racist Perez Hilton continues to attack Obama

A fossilized political tranny known to some as "Geraldine Ferraro" recently re-emerged from obscurity to make racially charged attacks against Barack Obama. Ferraro, a supporter and fundraiser for Hillary Clinton, basically said that Obama is beating the hell out of Hillary just because he is black. The stupidity of her argument is two-fold: 1) it requires us to believe that being black in America is an advantage, and 2) it asks us to hold this against Obama. Obama, thank God, has not fallen into the trap and is continuing his positive campaign, which is about change and hope, not race. Check-out this MSNBC video for an update on all this. In any case, this post is not about Geraldine Ferraro, it is about racist blogger Mario "Perez Hilton" Lavandeira."

As you would expect, Perez Hilton never said a word about Geraldine Ferraro's comments. On Thursday, however he attacked Obama's pastor, Jeremiah Wright, for bringing up the issue of race. Pastor Wright simply said that Hillary has never been called the n-word.

Perez Hilton made a big deal about this, asking "why does it have to be about race?" What a hypocritical scumbag. Perez Hilton is a known racist. He has no black friends. And like Geraldine Ferraro, Perez Hilton is an avid supporter of Hillary Clinton, and has been using his blog to do her dirty work. He has implied that Obama is a communist, took the "plagiarism" nonsense as far as he could, and now accuses Obama--the candidate of change and hope, whose only disadvantage in this race is the fact that he is Black--of making the campaign about race.
Have you had enough of Perez Hilton? Boycott him!


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I post comments on your Website on a regular basis because I support "The Boycott Perez Hilton movement". However, as mentioned by few commentators, I believe that you should not insult Perez Hilton or his fans in your posts. You should not encourage hatred when exposing someone who bases his all career on bullying others. You shouldn't fight with Mario Lavandeira's WEAPONS because you WOULD be lowering yourself to his level. Leaders like Martin Luther King, M. Gandhi, Nelson Mandela or the Dalai Lama have earned people's respect because their behaviour and philosophy have always been about peace and respect of others. Hence, they managed to get their message across! This site shouldn't focus so much on the 2008 American presidential elections...Perez was cruel before the elections and he will remain so after the elections. It does not make sence to boycott him just during the elections (???)....Finally, I think that you should publish an email address where people can contact you. - JUST A THOUGHT -

Anonymous said...

This is Adrianne Curry's blog on Perez Hilton:

April 14, 2008 - Monday

Hi, My Name is Perez Hilton!

Hello everyone, my name is Perez. I love to insult people I don't even know. I tell masses of people that women are whores and sluts and I have absolutely no proof to back my claims. In fact, most the things I say about people are untrue and fueled by my own self loathing and insecurities.I was made fun of a lot as a boy and have been so damaged I have to degrade others to feel better about myself. I like to have my producers of my show call Adrianne Curry and ask her to come on. I also like to have them tell her and her people that I am ready to bury the hatchet on tape. Adrianne declines due to not wanting to do it on camera at the I then write more stupid shit about her on my blogs! That shows that I was really sincere, right? Or, was it because I wanted ratings from the girl I like to say no one cares about? I can say Adrianne is lying, but luckily she has a few e-mails saved from the initial contact from my show. I like to make fun of other people for how they look, act, or how big I think their star is. It's mainly to cover up for what a fucking joke I can be, seeing how I probably don't garner much respect from people for what I do. Maybe what I said would be funny if I wasn't so fucking mean!

Anonymous said...

Dear Friends and Fans:

LIke most of you, I've been following the campaign and I have now seen and heard enough to know where I stand. Senator Obama, in my view, is head and shoulders above the rest.

He has the depth, the reflectiveness, and the resilience to be our next President. He speaks to the America I've envisioned in my music for the past 35 years, a generous nation with a citizenry willing to tackle nuanced and complex problems, a country that's interested in its collective destiny and in the potential of its gathered spirit. A place where "...nobody crowds you, and nobody goes it alone."

At the moment, critics have tried to diminish Senator Obama through the exaggeration of certain of his comments and relationships. While these matters are worthy of some discussion, they have been ripped out of the context and fabric of the man's life and vision, so well described in his excellent book, Dreams From My Father, often in order to distract us from discussing the real issues: war and peace, the fight for economic and racial justice, reaffirming our Constitution, and the protection and enhancement of our environment.

After the terrible damage done over the past eight years, a great American reclamation project needs to be undertaken. I believe that Senator Obama is the best candidate to lead that project and to lead us into the 21st Century with a renewed sense of moral purpose and of ourselves as Americans.

Over here on E Street, we're proud to support Obama for President.

Bruce Springsteen