Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Perez Hilton offends Christians and Autism patients

Two quick updates:

1. Madonna is a talented performer and she deserves to be in the public eye. She is also an expert self-promoter and will use any medium (no matter how sh*tty) to get her name out there, as she should. Accordingly, she made a video for Perez Hilton, who claims to be a fan. Perez, of course posted Madonna's video on his sh*tty site along with a sh*tty response.
The news (or is it?) here is that in his response Perez Hilton compares Madonna to Jesus and to God (welcome to America, new Pope!).

Quote from Perez Hilton: "Madonna made me a video... thats like Jesus speaking directly to me.... God God!"

2. Speaking of videos, if you have not seen this already, watch Perez Hilton call Autistic patients "retards."

Sorry if anyone is offended by our reposting of this trash. We are just trying to get the truth out there about who this person, Mario "Perez Hilton" Lavandeira really is, at a time when he is increasingly being welcomed into the mainstream media.


Anonymous said...

Another boycott Perez Hilton Campaign :-)
Zack Taylor vs. Perez Hilton -

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting the trashy video but honestly, I'm a bit disgusted by Perez and I can't stand watching, listening to him or even reading whatever post he writes. Yes, Perez is enjoying recognition but he is a human being, not God! Since he is human, he is vulnerable to some extent like any other human. What goes up must come down. What goes around, comes around. Karma, karma, karma...

Anonymous said...

I really hope that you did not visit Perez Hilton's Website. I hope that someone else sent you the link and told you about this!!!

Anonymous said...

grrrr i can;t stand him - btw, he just endorsed heidi montag's clothing line, i'm so disappointed in heidi, but she;s also hungry for fame :(

Anonymous said...

Perez Hilton is so successful because there are at least 8 millions people on earth who believe that bullying is OK, it's even GREAT as long as it does not affect them personally, their friends and family.

Anonymous said...

Amnesty International has been fighting for human rights for years. Is that mean that the rights of every single individual on earth are respected? NO!
Is that mean that Amnesty International should stop the fight? NO!
Has Amnesty International helped change thousand of lives for the better? YES!
Boycott Perez Hilton is raising awareness about the danger of endorsing people like Mario Lavandeira's appalling behaviour.
Is that mean that all Perez' fans and bully/thug lovers are going to boycott Perez? NO!
Has Boycott Perez Hilton Blog helped some people realize who Perez "Mario Lavandeira" Hilton really is? YES!
Shall Boycott Perez Hilton Blog stop exposing Mario Lavandeira's cruel and dangerous behaviour? NO!

Anonymous said...

I post comments on your Website on a regular basis because I support "The Boycott Perez Hilton movement". However, as mentioned by few commentators, I believe that you should not insult Perez Hilton or his fans in your posts. You should not encourage hatred when exposing someone who bases his all career on bullying others. You shouldn't fight with Mario Lavandeira's WEAPONS because you WOULD be lowering yourself to his level. Leaders like Martin Luther King, M. Gandhi, Nelson Mandela or the Dalai Lama have earned people's respect because their behaviour and philosophy have always been about peace and respect of others. Hence, they managed to get their message across! This site shouldn't focus so much about the 2008 American presidential elections...Perez was cruel before the elections and he will remain so after the elections. It does not make sence to boycott him just during the elections (???)....Finally, I think that you should publish an email address where people can contact you. - JUST A THOUGHT -

Anonymous said...

This is Adrianne Curry's blog on Perez Hilton:

April 14, 2008 - Monday

Hi, My Name is Perez Hilton!

Hello everyone, my name is Perez. I love to insult people I don't even know. I tell masses of people that women are whores and sluts and I have absolutely no proof to back my claims. In fact, most the things I say about people are untrue and fueled by my own self loathing and insecurities.I was made fun of a lot as a boy and have been so damaged I have to degrade others to feel better about myself. I like to have my producers of my show call Adrianne Curry and ask her to come on. I also like to have them tell her and her people that I am ready to bury the hatchet on tape. Adrianne declines due to not wanting to do it on camera at the I then write more stupid shit about her on my blogs! That shows that I was really sincere, right? Or, was it because I wanted ratings from the girl I like to say no one cares about? I can say Adrianne is lying, but luckily she has a few e-mails saved from the initial contact from my show. I like to make fun of other people for how they look, act, or how big I think their star is. It's mainly to cover up for what a fucking joke I can be, seeing how I probably don't garner much respect from people for what I do. Maybe what I said would be funny if I wasn't so fucking mean!

Anonymous said...


Why Perez doesn't really care about his fan-base? Talking about his new radio show projects he says, quote:"It will hopefully introduce me, potentially, to a whole new audience,". Is your 6 millions/7 millions/8 millions blog readers (depending on who gives the figure) are not interesting/worthy enough? Or, the truth is that your real and only interest is money! Perez' fans should not defend him so ardently because honestly, he does not care. Your visit to his blog is just more money in his pocket. That's why he doesn't mind blocking email addresses and IP addresses of his ex-fans who dared criticize one of his blogs!,0,444969.story

PS: The radio show lasts just
3 minutes.

Anonymous said...

Perez Hilton was ranked NR 2 on the Forbes' 2007 Web Celeb 25. I read the story written about him last week and noticed that It was all flattering and kind. I wrote to Forbes asking them to check Perez Hilton's background and rethink about the way they portrayed him. Well, a week later, Forbes amended the profile and added the text below: "...a controversial gossip-monger with a poison pen and hugely popular Web site. Hilton, whose real name is Mario Lavandeira, styles himself "The Queen of Mean" and has earned a rabid following thanks to his snarky voice and irreverent habits--like doodling rude captions on paparazzi photos. Critics say he plays favorites, particularly Paris and Nicky Hilton, who are rarely portrayed in a bad light. And Hollywood photo agency X17 is suing him for copyright infringement, claiming he posts its photos without permission."

A big thank you to FORBES for adding that bit.
:-) :-)

Anonymous said...

Perez Hilton does not deserve your attention

Celebrity blogger Perez Hilton likes to call himself "The Queen of All Media." But I like to call him a hypocrite and an all-around jack-ass. The only thing he's right about is that his blog,, is "Hollywood's Most-Hated Web Site!"

Hilton's over-the-top pink blog has become famous for its celebrity gossip and for Hilton's snarky remarks, often scrawled across less-than-flattering images of celebrities.

I have no problem with criticizing celebrities or making fun of them, but I do have a problem with Hilton doing it. Why? First of all, Hilton makes fun of people because they're fat or ugly or they took an unflattering picture. Has the man looked in a mirror lately? He's both fat and ugly. He has absolutely no room to criticize someone for being slightly overweight when he is beyond "slightly overweight" himself. And someone whose hair color changes more frequently than Britney Spears' shouldn't be analyzing anyone's fashion choices. It doesn't make sense, and I don't understand why so many people feel that he's such a great source for Hollywood scoop.

Anonymous said...

This lawsuit was filed 16 months ago but the point is that Perez Hilton has not changed a bit despite the numerous lawsuits filed by many people. He has always been mean and he might stay that way forever.

Attornies/Celebrities VS. Mario Lavendeira and BOYCOTT of Advertisers

The goal of this lawsuit is to result in the stopping of your name being used in connection with untruths and gossip on the Internet that obviously damage/ruin your name/reputation and lessen your ability to be successful in your profession. The precedent set will make sure that bloggers and others will be required to prove their word---or else they must pay monetary damages to you Mr. Lavendeira will have to in this particular suit.

Mine will start with Mr. Lavendeira's allegations (that MUST be proven) that I have ever once used the drug "crystal meth", based on a picture he has posted and an accusation connected to it, that I have engaged in "Illegal activity" that would result in my eyes being dilated...this photo was taken on a night when I attended the Dixie Chicks concert in Los Angeles and allowing press to photograph me after receiving eye-dilation medication at Dr. Kawesch's office, Laser Eye Surgeon, in West Los Angeles, who can testify.

Anonymous said...

John Mayer talks about Perez Hilton and his fans:

He complained that the general public "are people who ... couldn’t name me three songs off one record, but get onto a blog site and go to the comments and say, 'Well, he was with that dog so-and-so. He probably smells like butt.' You know, people try to like do the Perez Hilton syntax, and it’s terrible."

He also said when Hilton got his own VH-1 reality show,..."I have never seen it, but that was the moment that the wall broke, and we realized that these people don't really hate celebrities, they just want to be actually in there."

Mayer said he expected more Hilton copycats to emerge and get even nastier when it comes to critiquing celebs' every move.

He said there are "14-year old kids who think "Ehh, good Perez Hilton, but not good enough: I must add to that....(typing)...he's actually a douchebag!'"

Anonymous said...

Gossip blogger, Perez Hilton, must need more attention than he already gets. Otherwise, why would he show his balls to TMZ???
Before exposing his pink panties and showing off his balls, he said:

"I have big balls. I'll show them to you right now if you want. I don't have to do anything I don't want to."

It's pathetic how he's trying so hard to be one of the people that us, gossip bloggers, write about. What a loser.

Anonymous said...

If you're one of the millions of mostly twentysomething females who make his salacious salon for celebrity gossip a daily destination...

Does Perez Hilton really get millions of visitors a day? Blogger Paula Neal Mooney doesn’t think so. She was playing around the other day with a fun little web tool (that I can’t seem to get into as of this writing) called StatBrain lets you know how many visitors your website gets on a given day.

So Paula played around a bit and decided to enter in Perez’ details and was surprised to learn Perezzers wasn’t getting millions of visitors each day, or even a million visitors. According to StatBrain and other traffic calculators such as Alexa, Perez gets less than 700,000 visitors daily. Paula also checked the details of some other popular websites and their traffic was as always reported. So why is Perez Hilton’s traffic a lot less than he tells everyone? Mind you, 700,000 visitors is nothing to sneeze at, but why would Perez lie about his traffic?

Anonymous said...

wait you people really need to chill
he writes a gossip blog
that already shows he doesn't have a life...or at least anything better to do.
just don't read the website.

Anon said...

Fuck Perez and Adrianne. And fuck their fans. They should be shot in the head.