In a fake attempt to “help” Patrick Swayze, who was recently diagnosed with potentially fatal cancer, disgraced blogger Mario "Perez Hilton" Lavandeira asked his fans to download Swayze’s song "She's Like The Wind" on iTunes. Hilton said they could make it a top-ten song on iTunes. Well, several days later the song is not even in the top ONE HUNDRED on iTunes.
Many will be surprised that Perez Hilton failed so miserably to influence the iTunes sales of a song, particularly when reaching to his fans for a "good" cause. Perez, after all just signed a deal to promote new music artists, receiving a $100,000 advance and 50% of all profits. But what Warner Music Group and everybody else seems to forget is that Perez Hilton is a pathetic talentless loser, a failed actor who can never be famous and succesful and has instead settled for being infamous and manureful! Everything Perez has ever touched has turned to shit, and his attempt to enter the music business will be no different.
Lets make something clear. Perez Hilton could not care less about Patrick Swayze. This was a cold and calculated publicity stunt for Perez to show that he can influence his fans--mostly overweight college-age girls of below average intelligence--to buy music. He had the huge advantage of asking them to buy music for a good cause. And he failed. Miserably.Perez Hilton is a racist, anti-gay, disgusting spreader of lies. Boycott him!
Fuck the Cuban Sperm whale !!!!!
This is Adrianne Curry's blog on Perez Hilton:
April 14, 2008 - Monday
Hi, My Name is Perez Hilton!
Hello everyone, my name is Perez. I love to insult people I don't even know. I tell masses of people that women are whores and sluts and I have absolutely no proof to back my claims. In fact, most the things I say about people are untrue and fueled by my own self loathing and insecurities.I was made fun of a lot as a boy and have been so damaged I have to degrade others to feel better about myself. I like to have my producers of my show call Adrianne Curry and ask her to come on. I also like to have them tell her and her people that I am ready to bury the hatchet on tape. Adrianne declines due to not wanting to do it on camera at the I then write more stupid shit about her on my blogs! That shows that I was really sincere, right? Or, was it because I wanted ratings from the girl I like to say no one cares about? I can say Adrianne is lying, but luckily she has a few e-mails saved from the initial contact from my show. I like to make fun of other people for how they look, act, or how big I think their star is. It's mainly to cover up for what a fucking joke I can be, seeing how I probably don't garner much respect from people for what I do. Maybe what I said would be funny if I wasn't so fucking mean!
Why Perez doesn't really care about his fan-base? Talking about his new radio show projects he says, quote:"It will hopefully introduce me, potentially, to a whole new audience,". Are your 6 millions/7 millions/8 millions blog readers (depending on who gives the figure) not interesting/worthy enough? Or, the truth is that your real and only interest is money! Perez' fans should not defend him so ardently because honestly, he does not care. Your visit to his blog is just more money in his pocket. That's why he doesn't mind blocking email addresses and IP addresses of his ex-fans who dared criticize one of his blogs!,0,444969.story
PS: The radio show lasts only
3 minutes.
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